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Trousers as women's clothing. [2022-09-12]. https://en.wikipedia/wiki/Trousers_as_women%27s_clothing.[3] HUFFPOST. Women

T r o u s e r s a s w o m e n ' s c l o t h i n g . [ 2 0 2 2 - 0 9 - 1 2 ] . h t t p s : / / e n . w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / T r o u s e r s _ a s _ w o m e n % 2 7 s _ c l o t h i n g . [ 3 ] H U F F P O S T . W o m e n . . .

到底是什么?〓French Chic 被全世界时尚爱好者集体“神化”已 5. A Pair of Cropped Trousers没有什么比一条合身的九分裤配芭蕾


Who wears the trousers in your family?在你家,谁说了算?It's my wife.是我的妻子.Wear lipstick:戴口红 *涂口红 √例句:Mom, why

白色的Wide Leg Trousers和Cropped Trousers 都是衣橱里的MUST-HAVE~ ▼也许你总在羡慕Kendall Jenner的好衣品,但其实仔细看

Contrast Trims Trousers ▲ Derek Lam — Tuxedo Stripe Trousers ▲ ASOS — Tweedy Wide-Leg Pants ▲ Topshop — Stripe Track

trousers for men也就是说pants是指女士长裤,trousers指男士长裤2pants is AE/ trousers is BE就是说长裤,美国人大多用pants, 英国


连在一起就不知道是什么意思.童鞋们,trousers是英式英语中是长裤的意思,但是wear the trousers可不是穿上裤子的意思,在过去的

All talk and no trousers只谈空话,不做实事Meaning: someone who talks about doing big things but doesn't do anything含义:只是说


trousers [ˈtraʊzərz]:裤子,长裤【例句】Drips of water rolled 云朵的意思,cloud one's judgement是什么意思?跟“云”有关吗

版权免责声明 1、本文标题:《frousers是什么意思中文》